EXTRACT The Warrior Inside

Module 1: Why Courage Matters

Module 1

In our first Module, Why Courage Matters, we explore what makes humans special and why our success and happiness is defined by our Courage. We will begin learning the Knowledge, Mindset and Actions that are required for success in Module 1.

Let’s spread courage around the globe and build the amazing life you want!


Dave Trujillo

Founder 3rdNut Tribe

Module Structure

In our first Module, Why Courage Matters, we explore what makes humans special and why our success and happiness is defined by our Courage. We will begin learning the Knowledge, Mindset and Actions that are required for success in Module 1.Let's spread courage around the globe and build the amazing life you want!Courageously,Dave TrujilloFounder 3rdNut Tribe

Understanding Courage and its role in our success is the first step to embracing the behaviors that will make you legendary.  You Earn when you Learn. Learn how you can choose to overcome feelings of inadequacy and lack of confidence simply by learning how to think about courage in a new way.  There is incredible power in knowledge, let's get some.

Lesson 2: Understanding Courage

Dig deep, learn it, know it, live it.  Getting an understanding of why courage is synonymous to being human is the first step to realizing your potential and power.

Lesson 3: The Power of Fear

Fear is paralyzing.  Fear is overwhelming.  Fear feels physical in weight and emotional debilitation.  It's how we face fear that determines our outcome.  You may be familiar with fight or flight - this is how you have been programmed to deal with fear. We learn behaviors and mimic others. It's time to re-program how you handle fear.   

Lesson 4: Courage Exercises

Reading is one thing but DOING is badass.  You've joined a tribe that integrates new learning to genuinely change how you command life.  Don't sit back and think it's coming to you.  You probably already know, that doesn't work.  Take action and start controlling your life.  Do the exercise in this lesson and you are one step closer to change.

Lesson 5: Courage Key Takeaways

These are the core learnings from Courage Academy, Module 1.  Print these out so you can have the courage basics at your fingertips. It is continual practice that reinforces change. A physical print out will remind you to reinforce these skills you are learning.  

Lesson 6: Courage Matters Quiz

You're ready to show the Tribe that you've learned!  Knowing the material will make it easier in the moment to recall the skills you need and choices you need to make.Share your results on Social Media and let your friends know you're dedicated to your success!

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