The Warrior’s Path
Learn how the Warrior’s Path is the way to Success
I couldn’t get control of my own life because I believed that by pleasing other people and helping them achieve their goals, that somehow this was going to make me successful and happy. I believed I would be rewarded if I was a good boy and did a good job for others.
Although deep inside I’ve always felt that I could do much more with my life, my AHA! moment didn’t come until I got fired off from a job that I didn’t even like.
Why did I feel crushed by losing a job that I didn’t even want? It took me time to realize that this was only the latest event in a chain of events that finally forced me to admit that I didn’t have the balls to be the CEO of my own life.
I knew that I had to dump the excuses and fears that were holding me back. But I had NO idea of how or where to start. I realized I needed a guide. In looking for that guide, I discovered some amazing, life-changing truths. I now want to share with you what I learned on my journey to take control of my life.
Have you reached your aha moment yet?
I knew that it wasn’t my desire or my abilities that kept me from living the life I wanted, it was simply my fears. When I owned up to that hard truth, it became IMPOSSIBLE for me to go back to where I was before. I had to make a change.
My challenge to break free from my small life and do something bigger has been a long and sometimes painful journey. It took time and experience to grow into who I am today. It took trying, failing and I am still learning every day.
After I was well into my journey, I began to realize there were many people just like me who only needed some inspiration and guidance in order to start off on their own journey. That realization gave me a clear vision and purpose to my life. That purpose is to inspire and guide you to getting what you want out of life. In that mission, you help me grow too.
I feel that if we are brave enough to listen to each other, we can create a giant wave of human energy that can do big and great things.
I believe that courage is contagious.
As you know, we humans are smart as hell. But being smart doesn’t guarantee success and it certainly doesn’t mean you’ll reach your full potential. To achieve great things in life, you need a complete education.
But what kind of an education are we talking about?
While we’re good at giving our kids book learning, we’re terrible at providing an education that teaches us the importance of courage, perseverance, motivation and how to cope with adversity and failure. Since failure is actually the key to success, we need to learn, practice and grow our courage so we don’t give up when things get tough. The reality is that almost none of us get the education that our ancient ancestors received as being part of the tribe. What about ambition, desire, perseverance, leadership, collaboration and more?
Through my search for meaning and purpose in life, I’ve identified 21 key behaviors that contribute to creating a successful, adaptable and powerful human being. A human being that I like to call ‘The Warrior’… someone who is tough, resilient and courageous.
When we fill in this missing piece of our education, we are better equipped to give our lives more meaning and success.
Since it is so important to fill the gap in our education so that we can have a ‘complete’ education of the mind, body and spirit, I created a life-path that guides you through learning about and acquiring the 21 essential warrior behaviors. I call this program ‘The Warrior’s Path.’
I also created the Tribe Guide that defines the 21 Behaviors of the Warrior. I call this the 3rdNut Manifesto. Click to learn more.
Learn it, Know it, Live it!
Read the full post detailing the 21 Behaviors of the Warrior and learn how to get on the Warrior’s Path to acquire these behaviors here: The Warrior’s Path
Dave Trujillo
CEO and Founder 3rdNut Tribe