How to Get Ambition
Pump Up Your Ambition and get Motivated!
Are there ways to rev up your ambition? Can you actually ‘Get Ambition,’ if you don’t have it?
When someone tells me that they have no ambition, I immediately wonder if they’re being honest with themselves. Are you getting to the real issues that are holding you back? Are you really just uninspired or beaten down? Did you give up on something you’re passionate about? If you really peel back the layers of B.S. and look at the real problem, I bet we can find fear. Suppressing our fear and not having the courage to admit those fears can end up knocking out your ambition…at least temporarily. In addition, if there’s a lack of purpose and direction in your life to fuel your ambition, you’re going to struggle.
Let’s face it. If we are afraid to try, if we don’t desire anything, if we don’t believe we can accomplish what we desire, if we don’t believe in ourselves or are too afraid of failure, those factors will sabotage your ambition. Sometimes you just need some help or inspiration to get back on track. How powerful would you feel to have allies that are working with you to reach common goals and put your ambition into high gear? Maybe you just need a tribe to support you and give you encouragement and opportunities.
There is nothing more energizing than waking up each day with a purpose and something concrete to do that brings you in alignment with your purpose.
If you’re suffering from a fear of failure, and that keeps you from taking on challenges that truly excite you, that is a different problem, which requires a different solution than other common ambition blockers.
I believe working on your purpose and confidence are really solid and effective ways to stoke your ambition and motivation. There is no doubt that courage, ambition, purpose and taking action are all very relevant to your success.
For instance, here is how fear masquerades as a lack of ambition. Look at what I call the ‘Comfort Trap.’ Beware of the comfort trap. It’s easy for humans to convince themselves that playing it safe is really the best course of action because it’s smart, and avoids pain. It’s easy to suppress ambition and passion by telling yourself that taking risks may lead to an imperfect outcome. It’s easy to rationalize our irrational fears, to pretend they are really saving us from inevitable failure.
If you don’t have the ambition and initiative to push through the benign blockers that keep you from reaching your potential, you will never know what you could have accomplished. Are you happy with just getting by? I hope not and this Tribe is about pushing and pushing for positive change.
I also must point out that if you’re happy with everything in your life, I don’t know why you’re reading this, so hopefully, you can find room for yourself to grow. Thomas Edison once said, “Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I’ll show you a failure.” We all can benefit from a little challenge now and then.
Don’t forget, with courage can come great achievements, but they are rarely easily won and only the committed will realize them fully.
Read more about firing up your ambition and living with courage here: The Purpose of Courage
Get your life in gear by joining us at the Courage Academy.